Hello, World.

I'm Franck M Nyembo.

Hello I am helping small businesses build a strong web presence through design and consulting services.
Welcome to my portfolio !

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Hi there! I am a Fullstack developer. I have 3+ years of development experience building fullstack products, developing and integrating APIs, working with a variety of databases and more recently develop.


  • Fullname: Franck M Nyembo
  • Website: iamfranckm.com summerspub.com university.fmnlepro.com
  • Email: fmn@iamfranckm.com


  • 92%
  • 85%
  • 87%
  • 87%
  • 70%
  • 70%
  • 65%

More of my credentials.

Lorem ipsum Do commodo in proident enim in dolor cupidatat adipisicing dolore officia nisi aliqua incididunt Ut veniam lorem ipsum Consectetur ut in in eu do.

Work Experience

Node.js Developer

News platform

Lorem ipsum Occaecat do esse ex et dolor culpa nisi ex in magna consectetur nisi cupidatat laboris esse eiusmod deserunt aute do quis velit esse sed Ut proident cupidatat nulla esse cillum laborum occaecat nostrud sit dolor incididunt amet est occaecat nisi.

Front end Developer

Theta social network

Lorem ipsum Occaecat do esse ex et dolor culpa nisi ex in magna consectetur nisi cupidatat laboris esse eiusmod deserunt aute do quis velit esse sed Ut proident cupidatat nulla esse cillum laborum occaecat nostrud sit dolor incididunt amet est occaecat nisi incididunt.

Highest Education

Ph.D in Software Engineering

Currently searcher

Yangzhou University

Yangzhou University (YZU) is co-sponsored by the Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government and the Ministry of Education of China. It is a key comprehensive university of Jiangsu Province, and one of the first authorized to grant both master’s and doctoral degrees. The history of YZU can be traced back to as early as 1902, when its predecessors, Tongzhou Private Teachers’ School and Tonghai Agricultural School, were established.

Master on Software Engineering

Zhejiang Normal University

ZJNU traces its roots to 1956 as Hangzhou Teachers Collegiate School. Having grown and evolved for over six decades, ZJNU has passed many milestones along the way



High School Degree



What Can I Do For You?


Check Out Some of My Works.

Some projects that shows up my works.

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